Slovenian Champion
Slovak Grand Champion
Austrian Champion
Romanian Champion
International Champion FCI CIB
Hungarian Champion
Croatian Grand Champion
Croatian Champion
Slovak Champion
Austrian Show Winner 2022
International Junior Champion FCI CIBJ
Hungarian Junior Champion
Slovak Junior Champion
Czech Junior Champion
Austrian Junior Champion
Obedience Beginner - ÖRV HSV Bad Fischau - Die Hundesporthalle
Judge: Gerlinde Österreicher
256 Points, Excellent
Obedience Beginner - ÖRV HSV Neusiedl/See
Judge: Gerlinde Österreicher
225 Points, Very Good
International Companion Dog Test IBGH 2 - ÖGV Perchtoldsdorf
Judge: Gerlinde Österreicher
88 Points, Good
Rally Obedience 1 - ÖGV Perchtoldsdorf
Judge: Karl Rössler
90 Points, Excellent
Rally Obedience Beginner - ÖGV Perchtoldsdorf
Judge: Karl Weber
91 Points, Excellent
Rally Obedience Beginner - ÖGV Wienerwald
Judge: Karl Rössler
86 Points, Very Good
Rally Obedience Beginner - ÖGV Perchtoldsdorf
Judge: Elisabeth Simonić-Aschauer
86 Points, Very Good
International Companion Dog Test IBGH 1 - ÖGV Perchtoldsdorf
Judge Karl Weber:
90 Points, Very Good
FCI BH-VT Companion Dog Test with behaviour test - ÖGV Wiental
Judge: Josef Pfeffer
Dog Shows
CACIB Rogla II 2024
Ex1, CAC
Judge Bruno Nodalli (IT): almost 3 yrs old, masculine expression, limit sized, corr mask in front, corr eyes, corr ears, good neck, topline and tail, suff comp body, good in movement, nice colour
CACIB Rogla I 2024
Ex1, CAC, Res. CACIB
Judge Srećko Kukić (HR): 3 godine, dobre konstitucije, odlicne kondicije, snazne muske glave, skarastog zubaloa, dobro nosenih usiju, dobre duzine vrata, cvrstih ledja, dobrih kuteva i stavova nogu, pravilno kretanje, uredno spolovilo
3 years, good constitution, excellent condition, strong male head, scissor bite, well set ears, good length of neck, strong back, good angulation and legs, correct movement, typical male
CAC Rogla 2024
Ex1, CAC
Judge Tan Oo Hock (MY): nice stand, bit stretched in body, lovely head and expression, correct bite, good reach of neck, good high angulations, standing a bit close in front and behind, a bit close in behind in going, nice clean movement
CAC Special Breed Show Jettingen 2024 (Sunday)
Ex2, Res. VDH-CAC
Specialist Breed Judge Petra Schultheiß (DE): mittelkräftiger, harmonischer Rüde von guter Größe, typvoller Kopf, dunkelbraune, gut eingesetzte Augen, korrekt angesetzte, etwas große Ohren, sehr gute Brustausformung, passender Rumpf, Rute korrekt angesetzt und getragen, flüssiger, schwungvoller Bewegungsablauf, etwas knappes, gepflegtes Haar, freundliches, angenehmes Verhalten.
medium strong, harmonious male of good size; typical head, dark brown well set eyes, correctly set,slightly large ears, very well shaped breast, appropriate body, tail correctly set and carried, fluid and lively gait, slightly scarce, well-kept coat, friendly, pleasant behaviour
CAC Special Breed Show Jettingen 2024 (Saturday)
Specialist Breed Judge Peter Machetanz (DE): fast 3 Jahre alter, großer, kräftiger Rüde, Kopf mit mittelgroßen Ohren, braunen Augen und korrektem Pigment, sehr gute Halslänge, Körper mit etwas langem Rücken, aufliegende Rute, gerade Front, hinten ausreichend gewinkelt, gepflegtes, etwas dunkles Haar, im Wesen aufmerksam und selbstbewusst. Flottes Gangwerk, hinten stabil, vorne nicht ganz fest. Korrekte Präsentation
Almost 3 years old, large, strong male, head with medium sized ears, brown eyes and correct pigment, very good length of neck, body with slightly long back, tail lying on back, straight front, sufficient angulation in hindquarters, well-groomed, slightly dark coat, attentive and self-confident character. Brisk movement, stable hindquarters, not quite firm in front. Correct presentation
12th CAC Group Bavaria - Schwarzenbruck 2024 (Sunday)
Specialist Breed Judge Henning Schenk (DE): 2 Jahre 9 Monate alter Rüde, korrekt aufgebaut; rassetypischer Kopf und Ausdruck; Scherengebiss; vorzüglich gestellte Ohren; korrekte Augen; Hals von korrekter Länge; fester, gerader Rücken; gut entwickelte Vorbrust; sehr gute Brustbreite; korrekt angesetzte und getragene Rute; zum Körper passende Laufknochen mit passenden Winkelungen; flüssiger, freier Bewegungsablauf; gepflegtes Hasr; sehr angenehmes Verhalten, vorzügliche Präsentation.
12th CAC Group Bavaria - Schwarzenbruck 2024 (Saturday)
Specialist Breed Judge Petra Schultheiß (DE): Kräftiger, harmonischer, sehr gut aufgebauter Rüde; typvoller Kopf, gut eingesetzte Augen; kleine, etwas breit angesetzte Ohren; sehr gute Körperausformung; richtiges Format; Rute korrekt angesetzt und getragen; in der Bewegung flüssig und gleichmäßig mit viel Schwung; gepflegtes, graugewolktes Haarkleid; freundliches, angenehmes Verhalten
Špilberka Brno 2024
Ex1, CAC
Judge Miroslav Václavík (CZ): osudek
dobry formát, dobrá výska, odpovidajicí hlava, samcí telo, trochu uzsi pohyb
good format, good height, responsive head, male body, a little more movement
Nitradog Pribina Cup 2024
Judge Carmen Navarro Guisado (ES): bite correct, excellent pigment, need more ring training, good angulations, good tailset, good coat, correct movement
IHA Wels 2023 - Winter Trophy
Judge Heidi Kirschbichler (AT): Großer kräftiger Rüde, guter Kopftyp, korr Scherengebiss, dunkles Auge, gut gestellte Ohren, fester gerader Rücken, ausreichende Winkelungen, gute Brusttiefe, typ. Haarkleid, flüssiger Bewegungsablauf, läuft sehr laut
Large strong male, good head type, correct scissor bite, dark eyes, well set ears, steong straight back, sufficient angulatiin, good depth of chest, typical coat, fluent movement, runs very loudly
IHA Wels 2023 - Sieger Wels
Judge Emilia Mudra (SK): bigger male in good format shape of body strong head a little bit bigger ears, very good angulation, moved well when he ist settled and the most lovely boy in the show
Halloween Dog Show CACIB Oradea 2023 (Saturday)
Judge Dr. Zsolt Molnar (RO)
Halloween Dog Show CAC Oradea 2023 (Saturday)
Judge Petru Muntean (RO)
Halloween Dog Show CACIB Oradea 2023 (Friday)
Judge Calin Simu (RO)
Hod Dog Show - Triple Day Winner Hódmezövásárhely 2023 (Sunday)
Judge Hans Almgren (S)
Hod Dog Show - Triple Day Winner Hódmezövásárhely 2023 (Saturday)
Judge Dr. Tamás Jakkel (HU)
Hod Dog Show - Triple Day Winner Hódmezövásárhely 2023 (Friday)
Judge Tibor Bošnjak (SRB)
CACIB Osijek II 2023
Judge Lidija Okleščen (SI): Nešto duži u tijelu,
korektna glava, korektan vrat i leđa, korektno nasađen i nošen rep, korektni kutovi, paralelni stav, dlaka dobre kvalitete i boje, dovoljan korektan u kretanju
Slightly longer in the body, correct head, correct neck and back, correctly set and carried tail, correct angles, parallel stance, coat of good quality and color, sufficiently correct in movement
CAC Osijek 2023
Judge Blaženka Pižeta (HR)
CACIB Osijek I 2023
Judge Zsolt Molnar (RO)
CAC Vukovar 2023
Judge Duško Pilkević (SRB): snažan mužjak korektnog tipa, veličine i proporcija muževna glava i izraz, voljeo bih nešto tamnije oko, korektnog vrata i ramena, snažan kostur, lijepe šape, skladno građenog tijela, dobro razvijena prsa i preprsa, odlične leđne linije, nošenog i usađenog repa, korektan u pokretu, lijepo prezentiran
Strong male of correct type, size and proportion, masculine head and expression, would like a slightly darker eye, correct neck and shoulders, strong skeleton, beautiful paws, harmoniously built body, well developed chest and front chest, excellent back line, carried and set tail, correct in movement, nicely presented
DUODANUBE Bratislava CACIB 2023 (Sunday)
Judge Kristína Vaníčková (CZ): správna hlava, kvadraticky formát, noznicovy zhryz, strmsie uhlenie pánvovych koncatín, mensí rozsah pohybu
Correct head, square format, scissor bite, steeper angulation of the pelvic limbs, less range of motion
DUODANUBE Bratislava CACIB 2023 (Saturday)
Judge Zoltán Baffia (HU): big size, medium strong bones, length of foreface is still ok, correct earset, formed topline, very nice colour, excellent angulation, free movement
DANUBE Bratislava CACIB 2023
Judge Hanna Woźna-Gil (PL): excellent size and body proportions, moves well with long strides, well developed and muscled body, masculine head with excellent expression, strong and short topline, capacious chest, balanced angulations, well set and carried tail, excellent coat quality, typical markings
IHA Klagenfurt Alpensieger 2023
Judge Mag. Maja Korošec (SI): typical male, nice head, exc. neck and topline, tailset and carriage, good body proportions, correct angulation, typical coat, moves with good drive
IHA Klagenfurt Crufts Qualification 2023
Judge Marta Bandur (SI): korr. Typ, großer Rüde, korr. Haarkleid, schöner männlicher Kopf, gutes Pigment, korr. Ohren, Hals ist zu kurz, vorzügliche Rückenlinie, Winkelung vorne zu steil, hinten genügend, korr. Rutenhaltung, Gangwerk schwer beurteilbar, Bewegung hinten nicht korr., vorne etwas zu hoch, Seitenbewegung genügend
Correct type, large male, correct coat, beautiful male head, good pigment, correct ears, neck is too short, excellent topline, angulatuon too steep in front, sufficient in back, correct tail carriage, movement hard to judge, movement not correct in back, a little too high in front, lateral movement sufficient
Novohraddog Lučenec 2023 (Sunday)
Judge Jana Janek (SK): dobre predvedeny v pohybe, dobrého rámca, s peknou hlavou, dobrá kvalita srsti, dobre nasadeny a neseny chvost, dobrá kvalita srsti a pekne upravena
Well presented in movement, good frame, nice head, good coat quality, well set and carried tail, good coat quality and nicely groomed
Novohraddog Lučenec 2023 (Saturday)
Ex1, CAC
Judge Emília Múdra (SK): 22 mesačný pes, správneho formatu aj rámca, slabšej kostry, jemnejšia hlava, väčšie ucho, výborná horná aj dolná línia, korektne zauhlený, výborný pohyb , vzadu užší
22 months old dog, correct format and frame, weaker skeleton, softer head, larger ear, excellent top and bottom line, correctly angulated, excellent movement, narrower at the back
#2 CACIB Dubrovnik 2023
Judge Branislav Rajić (SI): 21 mjesec, visok, užeg tijela, odlična dlaka i boja, glava, duže noge, korektan rep, nezadovoljno korektne šape, francuski stav, kretanje korektno
21 months, tall, narrower body, excellent coat and color, head, not quite correct feet, French position, correct movement
#1 CACIB Dubrovnik 2023
Judge Bojan Mataković (HR): 21 months old, well sized male, bit longer in a body, correct head, well developed chest, correct topline, needs more angulation behind, well set tail
CAC Dugo Selo 2023
Judge Srećko Kukić (HR): 21 mj. star, dobre visine, dobrog kostura, dobre konstitucije, u odličnog kondiciji, tipične glave, škarastog zubala, dobre gor. i dolj. linije, odl. kuteva i stovova nogu, pravilno kret., uredno spolovito
21 months old, good size, good bones, good constitution, in excellent condition, typical head, scissor bite, good top- and bottom line, very good angles and set legs, correct movement, typical male
Špilberka Brno 2023
Judge Svatava Beránková (CZ): 21-měsíční pes, toho času ne zcela v srsti, s hezkou maskou krásným pigmentem, rovná hřbetní linie, korektní zaúhlení, hezky vyvinuté poředhrudí, správné zaúhlení HK, DK mírně vybočuje levou packu v běhu, temperamentní jedinec, soulad s handlerem
21-month-old dog, currently slightly out of coat, with a nice mask, beautiful pigment, straight back line, correct angulation, nicely developed forechest, correct angulation of HK, DK turns left paw slightly when running, temperamental individual, harmony with handler
Victory Dog Show Bratislava 2023
Ex1, CAC, Victory Junior Winner
Judge Zuzana Mikolková Betinská (SK)
IHA Premstätten 2023
Judge Katarzyna Szutkiewicz (PL): 20 months old breed-typical male, correct build, medium bone strength, expressive head with correct bite, eyes and ears, sufficiently developed forechest, compact corpus, correct topline and underline, excellently set and carried tail, correctly parallel set and carried limbs, slightly narrow hind limbs, excellent coat quality and color with correct points, beautiful presentation in the ring
CAC Bjelovar 2023
Ex1, CAC
Judge Vojislav Al Daghistani (SRB): 20 mj., pravilni zagriz, više je na nogama, dobro razvijen, duži u tijeli, razvijen kos, usađedno dobro rep, u kretanje bi mogao biti bolje, iskorak
20 months, correct bite, a little high on the legs, well developed, a little long in the body, developed coat, well set tail, could be a little better in movement
Duo CACIB Brno 2023
Judge Martin Šipkovský (SK)
IHA Wels 2022 Winter Trophy
Judge Monika Petermayer (AT): 17 Monate alter typischer Wolfspitz, maskuliner Kopf mit korrekten Ohren, dunkle Augen, korrekte Schere, sehr schön aufgebaut im Körper, Laufknochen dazu passend, bewegt sich noch jugendlich fröhlich, dzt. wirkt er etwas abgehaart, hervorragende Präsentation
17 months old typical Keeshond, masculine head with correct ears, dark eyes, correct scissor, very well built in body, leg bones corresponding, moves youthfully, currently slightly out of coat, excellent presentation
# 3 Zagreb CACIB 2022
Ex1, CAC
Judge Malgorzata Wieremiekczyk-Wierzchowska (PL): Masculine boy, little bit long legs, beautiful head, good body, good movement, back legs should be more parallel in movement
# 2 Zagreb CACIB 2022
Judge Attila Czeglédi (HU): Good size of male. Masculine enough with lighter bone. Typical general appearance. His body should be a touch shorter. Narrow front. Slightly … front feet. Typical head. Nice tailset. Lovely coat. He needs more training.
# 1 Zagreb CAC - Winter Classic 2022
Judge Mile Aleksoski (MK): snažan mužjak, korektnog zubala, korektno usuđene uši i rep, vrat jak, leđa ravna, blago otvorenijih kuteva, fali bolji iskorak i potisak
Strong male, with correct teeth, correctly set ears and tail, strong neck, straight back, slightly open angles, lacks better reach and drive
Bratislava DANUBE CACIB 2022 (Sunday)
Judge Tibor Havelka (SK)
Derby CACIB Komárom 2022 (Sunday)
Ex1, CAC, RCACIB, Derby Winner
Judge Juan Naveda Carrero (ES)
Crufts Qualification CACIB Komárom 2022 (Saturday)
Judge Dr. Roberto Schill (RO)
CACIB Komárom 2022 (Friday)
Ex1, HPJ/Junior Winner, Best Junior, BOS
Judge Annamária Tarján (HU)
CACIB Karlovac 2022 (Sunday)
Ex1, Best Junior, Junior BOB
Judge José Homem de Mello (PT): Nice profile, excellent head and expression, nice eyes, chest could be a bit deeper, nice front with nice feet, excellent ribcage, nice topline and tailset, excellent rear, well muscled, nice coat, moves well, with nice reach and drive
CACIB Karlovac 2022 (Saturday)
Ex2 Junior Class
Judge Nives Medunjanin Božičević (HR): Dobre visine i proporcija. Tipičnog izraža. Odlične pigmentacije. Dovoljno dubokih prsa. Nešto niže nošenog vrata. Odlično usađenog i nošenog repa. Voljela bi paralelnije stenove pr. nogu. Zadovoljavajuče kretanje.
Good height and proportions. Typical expression. Excellent pigmentation. Deep enough chest. Neck carried slightly low. Excellently set and carried tail. Would like parallel to the legs. Satisfactory movement.
Club Winner Show 2022
Ex2 Junior Class
Judge Monika Petermayer (AT): 14 Monate alter großer Rüde, kräftiger Rüdenkopf, korrekt angesetzte und getragene Ohren, dunkelbraune Augen, korrektes Scherengebiss, Körper und Laufknochen brauchen noch etwas Substanz, ist etwas abgehaart, korrekter Bewegungsablauf, sehr aufmerksames und freundliches Wesen
14 months old male, strong male head, ears set and carried correctly, dark brown eyes, correct scissor bite, body and legs still need some more substance, slightly out of coat, correct movement, very attentive and friendly character
DUODANUBE Bratislava CACIB 2022 (Sunday)
Ex1, CAJC, Junior BOB, BOB
Judge Leoš Jančík (CZ)
DUODANUBE Bratislava CACIB 2022 (Saturday)
Ex1, CAJC, Junior BOB, BOB
Judge Martin Šipkovsý (SK)
DANUBE Bratislava CACIB 2022 (Friday)
Ex1, CAJC, Junior BOB, BOB
Judge Zuzana Mikolková (SK)
Székesfehérvári CACIB II 2022 (Saturday)
Ex1, HPJ/Junior Winner, BOS
Judge Štefan Šinko (SI)
Székesfehérvári CACIB I 2022 (Friday)
Ex1, HPJ/Junior Winner, BOB
Judge Péter Harsányi (HU)
TrioCACIB Prague Expo Dog 2022 (Sunday)
Judge Olga Dolejšová (CZ): výb. hlava, typ. ucho, správ. oko, výb. cenich partie, dobrá maska, můžu. suns, dobrý uru, perný hřbet, správný trup, výborna fronta, peuný pohyb, typ. srst
Excellent head, typical ear, correct eye, excellent muzzle, good mask, good neck, strong back, correct torso, excellent front, beautiful movement, typical coat
TrioCACIB Prague Expo Dog 2022 (Saturday)
Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez (GI): Attractive male, good head and expression, good dark points, correct bite, good topline and tail set, adequate coat, good use of ears, quite tall on his legs, good movement, would like stronger limbs.
TrioCACIB Prague Expo Dog 2022 (Friday)
Judge Miroslav Václavík (CZ): Roční dobře stavěný pes, ve výborné kondici, velice dobře modelovaná hlava, nůžkový skus, dobré ucho, velice pěkný hrudník, nepatrně užší pohyb vzadu.
One year old well built male, in excellent condition, very well modelled head, scisorr bite, good ears, very beautiful breast, slightly narrower movement in hindquarters.
IHA Klagenfurt Alpensieger 2022
Ex1, Best Junior, Alpen-Junior Winner
Judge Barbka Novak (SI): 12 Monate alter großer Rüde, mit Scherengebiss, guten Kopf, gute Ohrenhaltung, korrekte Körperproportionen, gut gewinkelt, lose Ellbogen in Bewegung, korrektes Fell in korrekter Farbe und Zeichnungen, heute ist er abgehaart
12 months old large male, with scissor bite, good head, good ear carriage, correct body proportions, well angled, loose elbows in movement, correct coat in correct color and markings, he is out of coat today
IHA Klagenfurt Crufts Qualification 2022
Ex1, Best Junior, Crufts Qualification
Judge Heidi Kirschbichler (AT): großer kräftiger Rüde, korr. Gebiss, guter Ausdruck, dunkles Auge, gut gestellte Ohren, gut aufgesetzter Hals, fester Rücken, gerade Front, ausreichend gewinkelte Hinterhand, zur Zeit etwas abgehaart, in der Bewegung genügend Schwung
large strong male, correct bite, good expression, well set ears, well set neck, strong back, straight front, adequately angled hindquarters, currently slightly out of coat, enough drive in movement
Intercanis Brno 2022
Ex2 Junior Class
Judge Monika Kuriata (PL)
IHA Oberwart 2022
Ex1, Best Junior
Judge Marta Bandur (SI): 10 Monate alter Rüde, sehr starker Körperbau, sehr groß, schöner Kopf, gut getragene Ohren, korrekte Augen, gutes Pigment, Scherengebiss, gute Rückenlinie, gute Brusttiefe und Vorbrust, gute Winkelung, gut getragene und angesetzte Rute, die Bewegung ist noch nicht ganz fließend, schönes Haarkleid, freundliches Wesen
10 months old male, very strong build, very large, beautiful head, well set ears, correct eyes, good pigment, scissor bite, good back line, good depth of breast, good angles, well set and carried tail, movement is not quite fluent yet, beautiful coat, friendly character