Mom, Dad and the Rest of the Family

All about my offspring here

My Mom Wally

Luckily my Mom WallyWalküre von der Wannenbrug“ doesn't live too far away so we can visit each other every once in a while.

Keeshond Champion

My Dad Major

Sadly my Dad Major "Gonzo von der Steinbruch-Maut" passed a few months after I was born so I didn't get to know him. But I heard a lot about him from his Mom Melanie, whom we meet often. 

Foto (c) Melanie Reinisch

Grandpa Malouss

Foto (c) Gerti Heinl

Asta von der Riegerwiese

My Sister Ylvi

 "Asta von der Riegerwiese"
Foto (c) Julia Passecker

Anton von der Riegerwiese

My Brother Willy 

"Anton von der Riegerwiese"

Bernie Kalich Osudu

My Half-Brother Bernie

Bernie lives with Melanie now and I'm very happy that I can meet my big brother regularly. 
Foto (c) Melanie Reinisch